Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Still Giving His All - Delightful Dad Contest Winner

My dad met me when I was just 3 years old. My mom and I traveled from New York to California looking for a better life. She was 16. My dad found us and fell in love with us immediately. When I was 6, he married my mom and took me in as his own. Both he and my mom struggled to find work and keep a roof over our head. We scraped by, and I wasn't aware then how hard he worked to provide for us.

My dad took every job that he could, while also committing to his family. He worked in Phoenix on the weekends and in Costa Mesa, California during the week. I always remember how happy we were to see him come home, but only to send him off a very short time later. He never looked tired to me, though, and always attended to our needs.

I saw as I got older and into my teen years, how much my Dad really provided for our family. Not only financially, but spiritually and emotionally. His showing me that hard work was the key to success and that determination and trust in God was critical. He taught me that you can't always believe what you read or hear, and that I could always go to him when I needed to.

When I was in college, he was able to start his own business and grew it slowly and successfully. He blessed others with benefits and a good salary before his own, with gifts and loans as they needed, and he shared the blessings of a successful business with those who were having a rough patch in his life.

It was 3 years ago when my dad lost his business. The money he put away for his future and the money he earned through his 20 years of a successful business vanished. He lost his company, his home and his health. My parents moved to New York 2 years ago to care for my ailing grandfather who has cancer. They have struggled daily and my dad is back to working two jobs, 60 hours a week, to make ends meet. At almost 60 years old, he deserves so much more. He still provides for his family (just him and my mom now), and it pains me to see his struggles come full circle.

I don't know how to bless him right now but to pray for his well being, his strength to get through each rough day and to send you a note for this contest. I would love to see my dad earn a gift card, especially in his hard times, but more importantly to be honored for all that he has done throughout my life, and for what he continues to do even during his darkest of days.


Kathleen...He wins! Sounds like you won a long time ago with a wonderful father. We are honored to recognize him and pray that the gift is a blessing. Thanks for sharing your story.
Sharon and Laurie
Thanks to all of you who participated in our dad contest. Sometimes dads get a bad rap. If you've haven't experienced the joy of knowing your father's unconditional acceptance, we pray that you'll find hope in God our Father who knows your every thought. Psalm 139 lets us in on just how much He loves each of us...including you.

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