Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Discipline is a Good Pain

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

Discipline is hard. It takes consistency, perseverance, and time! But, I'm taking heart because these verses say that the reward will come later. I may not even see the results right now (which I admit is a little disheartening), but He says they will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace.

Discipline is a pain to our kids, but it's a pain to us as parents, too. It gives meaning to the cliche' "No pain, no gain." Our willingness to jump in and train our children is one of the biggest acts of love we can give them. Though they might not like it right now, eventually, they will see that our training and correction came from a heart of love.

If you're in the same world I'm in at the moment, take heart. Discipline isn't pleasant at the moment, but it will provide great rewards in the end. Just as the Lord disciplines those He loves, (Prov. 3:12) we take the time, love and care to discipline those we love with consistency and perseverance.

In our training, please protect our words and actions. I pray that the things we do and say will not be twisted by our children, but that you will allow the discipline to penetrate their hearts so that they will understand how much You love them. Give us the energy and courage to discipline consistently. Thank you for never tiring of training us. In Jesus Name...

Blessings as you train the next generation!

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