Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Putting In The Right Stuff

On Monday I took our fourteen yr. old to his first day of high school world view class. Wow! It's exciting, yet startling. Exciting, because he is beginning a new stage in life and gaining an invaluable learning experience. Startling, because I can't believe he is already in high school! I have been asking myself lately, "Have we been putting in the right stuff? Will he know all he needs to know to face the future?"

You know, I've heard it said that after they start driving, "It's all over!" Wow, that means I'd better hurry . . . he's about to turn 15!

I am keeping my eyes peeled for teaching opportunities such as, washing and cooking skills, to good work ethics and decision making skills.

So I ask you, "Are you putting in the right stuff right now?" Together let's ask God to remind us of what that is . . the stuff that really matters most.

With eyes peeled,


1 comment:

  1. You're awesome...thanks for that reminder. The past few days have been so crazy that I need that reminder desperately...Thank you!
