Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Loud Times with God

Early in my mothering career I shared a frustration with a friend who had older children. I was feeling defeated because I was having a hard time spending time with God. I was tired. I didn't know how I could wake up any earlier. When I did wake up early, it seemed like the baby could smell me and would wake up just minutes after my feet hit the floor. I felt sure that God was angry with me and ready to go look somewhere else for a faithful mom.

My friend told me, "Sharon, God knows your heart and He is very aware of the seasons of our lives. He isn't sitting up there shaking His finger at you. He's right beside you as you change diappers. When you're up in the night, so is He."

She went on to tell me that when her kids were small, she had felt the same way; she kept waiting for a "quiet time" to spend with God. One day the Lord revealed to her that she could spend time with Him even if it was a loud time. So with her son playing around her feet, she sat down and had a loud time with God.

God never said, "Spend quiet time with me every day in the morning, or else!" He encourages us to spend the time, to be still and know that He is God. He knows that hiding His Word in our hearts will carry us through everything we face. But at the same time, He isn't waiting to zap us because we didn't get up after a night of feedings, or just because we are exhausted from life. When you try to read at night and wake up with your face smushed into the pages, He understands.

If those times of the day aren't working for you, try having a "loud time" with God. Andrew Murray wrote, "It is when the soul is hushed in silent awe and worship...that the still small voice of the blessed Spirit will be heard." He didn't say that everything else has to be quiet in order for our soul to be hushed before Him.

Think about it: Don't we want our children to see us spending time with the God who gives us strength? If we always spend quiet time with Him before they are awake or after they are sleeping soundly, they could miss seeing firsthand that He is our lifeline.

God says, "Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me" (Isaiah 30:15 The Message). I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to sit down once my kids are awake. For some reason we moms feel like we have to be "up and at 'em."

True, there are things that we have to do, but taking a break, resting with the Lord, listening to Him even when it's loud around us--those are the things that will carry us through all the remaining tasks and decisions the day holds.

Father, what a relief it is to me to know that You know right where I am. I can quit trying to impress You by my efforts and just rest in You, even if the moments are loud. I pray You'll help me focus on You as I quiet my soul during the day. Help me remember that the day is not lost just because I didn't wake up and immediately spend time with You. Remind me to stop throughout my day. I feel the urge to be "doing" when my kids are awake. Slow me down. Draw me to You.

I pray that You will fill me with Your patience when my kids need me. If I have to get up and come back, You'll go with me and meet me again. If I have to get up and I can't come back, thank You for understanding. Feel free to speak to me through the day. I pray that You'll open my ears so that I can hear from you. Open my eyes so I can see what You want to show me. Loving You...I pray in Jesus' Name, amen.

What works for you? Share any tips to spending time with God that have helped you.

(from Laurie and Sharon's book Hold You, Mommy)

1 comment:

  1. thank you for posting this. It's an encouragement to me! I've recently been feeling the freedom about this same kind of thing, but it's so nice to hear it from someone else.
