Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No matter what adventure

We recently had grassfires burning in our area, and the TV kept broadcasting evacuations for the people in danger. The fires were probably within 10 miles of our house, but thankfully we were not in immediate danger. Unfortunately, many people lost their homes, but no lives were lost. With the news reports, my husband and I talked through what we might try to get if we had to be evacuated. That conversation only heightened my daughter's anxiety about the situation. She asked if she could get her stuff together. I told her she could get one bag if that would make her feel better. I went in her room later and this is what I found. She could not quite fit all of her life in one bag! That is ok, I couldn't either! And again, thankfully we didn't have to put our plan into action, but she was ready!

Our theme for March is adventures. Along our life journey, events can be life changing, and they can be good or... well...not so good. In fact, they can be down right scary and painful! There are some adventures that you anticipate, pack for and are very excited about! Like Spring Break Trips! Those are fun and I'm so glad we have those in life! Then there are some adventures that you get a little warning to prepare and you don't really want to put the plan in action. Sometimes it happenes and sometimes it doesn't. Then some adventures you find your self right in the middle of it before you even know what is happening--a loss, a change, a surprise, an earthquake. We have to enjoy the ones that we can. And the tough ones, know that our Heavenly Father is with us no matter what comes. Our job is to trust Him.

The Bible tells us of many of Paul's adventures. Sometimes he found wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ who encouraged him on his way. Other times he was run out of town, barely escaping with his life. This is what he said:

I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances.
I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little.
I've found the recipe for being happy
whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty.
Whatever I have, wherever I am,
I can make it through anything
in the One who makes me who I am.
Philippians 4:11-13 The Message

I wrote this before the disaster in Japan, and a little grassfire seems to pale in comparison. We are praying for the people of Japan, as they have found themselves in the middle of a very hard situation.

Posted by Shelly, Mom and Loving It Ministries Assistant

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