Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer reading and movies

We are always looking for some good books for all ages. What do you like to read with your kids? Or for older ones reading on their own, what keeps them coming back for more?

Preschool-young readers
Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming
Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Hide! by Candace Fleming
Fix-it-Duck by Jez Alorough
Will--God's Might Warrior by Shelia Walsh
Gigi--God's Little Princess by Shelia Walsh
Hermie and Friends by Max Lucado
We love all of Max Lucado's children's books, like You are Special.

School age readers
A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy
Hank the Cowdog by John R. Erickson (Our library has many of these on tape and they are great for car trips! We all laugh!)

Older readers

What about you Mom? Read any good books lately?
If you have not read Sharon and Laurie's books Mom...And Loving It! and Hold You, Mommy! I highly recommend them!

What about good family movies?
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry

Moms 4 Family tv have produced five movies for tv over the last year that my family has really enjoyed. They are available on DVD now...The Secrets of the Mountain, The Jensen Project, A Walk in My Shoes, Change of Plans, and Truth be Told. They have another one scheduled to come out this summer called Field of Vision. Here is the trailer.

Field of Vision Movie Trailer from on Vimeo.

As you can see there are some gaps here. Let me know what you and your family are reading and help me fill it in. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. It a very powerful, moving & accurate post & video..Thanks for updating..
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